October 17, 2007

The Christianville Spirit: How People look at Me

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit of Christianville

Normally, In My Newsletters I talk about I view Other People and The things I love and all that good stuff. But, I rarely talk about how other people look at and see me. Knowing that I have Special Needs I know and have a feeling about how people see me. People knowing I Have Special Needs, some people see it as one special person who can do whatever his or her heart wants. Then, there are people who feel uncomfortable around them and think that they can’t do anything and they’re not smart. Well, the truth is Special Needs People are smarter then you think. In Fact, a lot of people have trouble showing their smart because they people will make fun of them or not believe them because they have Special Needs. Well, I’m here to tell you that just because people have Special Needs doesn’t mean their not smart. When it comes to Jobs; sadly, a lot of people don’t hire people with Special Needs because they think they are going to be high-maintenance or not do the job the way THEY want. Special Needs People can do the job just as good as Normal People. The only difference is we need extra supervision to make sure we are doing the job right, the way you might want. For me, I don’t really let people judging me bother me. I am aware of it. But, it doesn’t bother me. All in all, I believe Special Needs can do whatever they’re good at.
Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. Every Special Needs person is special in their talents and smarts.

The Christianville Spirit: C. Metro Helper Section

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit of Christianville
Today, instead of telling people about my life. I am to give people advice because I'm very smart about giving people advice because i feel like i'm in their shoes. So, the Christianville Metro Advice Section.
Today's discussion is about People who don't feel at their peak.
Why do people not feel at their peak? Well, their are many reasons why?
Maybe because they don't go "The 2nd Mile". Maybe beause they're doing something their not meant to be doing. or maybe your just not at your peak it's too hard to get there and be as rich as Paris Hilton or Bill Gates. So, what to do you do. well, first off if your not at your peak work wise then, think about what your meant to be doing. now, who or what you should listen to more likely YOUR HEART then, anything. Because Your Heart knows whats good for you. Not as much Your Conscious. Now, reaching your peak in getting somewhere You just have to NOT WORRY ABOUT TIME IT TAKES. It's best to take it slowly and step by step. after all, You can't a big family meal in one siting. you have to eat it in helpings. So, get to your goal in helpings NOT THE WHOLE MEAL. The Final Segment for Today is for Parents. Do you feel like Your Child is a Failure because of You? Well, sadly it's partly true becuase your the mother or father of the family so, what you reflects on Your Kids. BUT, it's entirely you. it's also Your Child as well. why? Because it was YOUR CHILD'S decision on what He or She wants to do. So, that's my advice for now.
Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. I hope this advice helped

October 10, 2007

The Christianville Spirit:The Next Opportunity

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit of Christianville
Well, Everyone I’m headed for the 3rd opportunity in My Opportunity Streak. So, This Friday I get to go to the Dallas Area Radio Station, 99.5 The Wolf to go to see their Traffic Reporter, Justin Frazell. Actually, emailing him was how all these opportunities got started. And, again how the opportunity begun from My Mom emailing him; Then, led to meeting John McCarty, Ben Martin, and going up in a Helicopter Ride. Believe it or not I have not met Justin Frazell and that is why I’m going to the Radio Station on Friday. I believe that it will be very awesome.

Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. If you set your mind to it, you will reach your dreams!

October 8, 2007

The Christianville Spirit: A Ride of a Lifetime

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit of Christianville
Well, it finally happened. I got to ride in a helicopter like John McCarty promised. BUT, the thing is I didn’t go alone like I thought I would. My Mom went with me. So, here’s how it went. My Wicked Awesome Mom called John McCarty last week and he didn’t answer. She assumed that he has either busy or out of town. But, anyway THIS WEEK she called again and asked when we could do it. He told her This Week then, he called yesterday and asked if we were ready to go up and she said yes. He also said that My Mom could come up as well. And, according to her; She was shocked that she was going to be able go up in the helicopter with me. He gave My Mom directions to where we had to which was at Dallas’ airport named Dallas Love Field. A few minutes after we arrived at where we were told to go, we saw the helicopter (which was the color of a zebra) land and get fueled up. Then, we met the guy that we were going up with was named was Ken Montgomery. The traffic helicopters don’t fly at a very high altitude. We flew at the perfect altitude to where we could see the highway signs and street signs. As we passed some of the major highways I said which highways we were going over. John said that he was impressed by me knowing where I was. They said I was like a Moving GPS. We also got to fly over Dr. Pepper Ballpark, where I Work. After words they said that I could come back and ride again. So, the next time I go up I’m going to take My Brother, Michael. I think my brother will really like it. All in all, I thought flying in a Helicopter was Really Awesome.
Thanks for the reading The Christianville Spirit. Our World is full of opportunity; you just have to take it.

The Chistianville Spirit: My Awesome Opportunities

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit of Christianville
In Most Families in our world, few have an Awesome Mom as much as I do. Now, we all know that My Mom is Awesome but, what’s been happening over the past week makes that statement A LOT Higher. So, here’s how it went. My Mom thought about the old Head Person of the Special Ed, Mrs. Frazell at Jasper High School several years later and remembered that she was related to Justin Frazell, a traffic reporter for 99.5 The Wolf, a country station here in Dallas and My Mom decided to email him about me, my special needs, and how I love maps and stuff. And, she asked him if He would let me meet him and see what he does. He responded quickly which was a shocked to My Mom. He invited us to go see him and gave us the name of his friend, John McCarty who works at a place called Traffic.com. So, My Mom called him and set up an appointment for yesterday at 3. Well, we went there and it was AWESOME! Because, he talked to me about my love for maps and also he showed the studio where they broadcast to many Dallas Area TV and Radio Stations. Not only that. But, I Met a guy named Ben Martin who does traffic for another Dallas Radio Station, WBAP and TV Stations, News 8 and CBS 11. They also offered me the opportunity to ride in a helicopter while they report the traffic and also the opportunity to visit the News 8 Studios later on Next Week. Stay Tuned to My Newsletter for details. Also, this is surprise to you all also but, a person from The New York Times wants to talk to My Mom about My Special Needs. And, finally, My Mom and I in November are going to Houston so, a photographer can take pictures of me and will later post them all over Texas Children’s Hospital and later around the country. All in all, here are MANY Reasons that I Am Blessed and Touched by God Himself.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. We are all blessed to be alive, Don’t Waste It!

The Christianville Spirit: My Love for Cyber Traveling

For most people, when they get on the internet they search for Dating Sites, Games, Places to go on vacation, or sometimes if need necessary advice. But, for me when I get on online I look at Road Signs. Often now I call what I do Cyber Traveling. My definition of Cyber Traveling is getting on one the websites I like to get on like www.AARoads.com or www.okroads.com and start on a highway in a State and travel on it looking at Road Signs on the way to wherever I feel like Cyber Traveling to. Like maybe I’ll start on I-95 in Maine and Cyber Travel to Atlanta. One thing I like about it is that I get to see all the different styles of Road Signs and their Welcome Signs as well. You can also search for places and cities to learn about life or culture at the place your at. In fact, one time I heard a story on ABC’s Nightline about a family who sold their house and got an RV and had their life on the road. This family had kids and their kids the parents say, were home schooled on the road. However, they weren’t home schooled like normal. They were home schooled by the road. They learned from what they saw on the road. Believe it or not, there are a lot of things you learn from being on the road. Like for example those mile makers can turn into math problems or museums can teach History and some Geography. The signs, of course can teach Reading and Geography. If u write down the signs or things you saw then, you have Writing. And, finally, taking care of the RV’s plumbing, pumping gas, helping with directions brings Responsibility. So, who says you can’t learn or be schooled on the road. Well, it sounds like a good idea to me! Now, as far as a job goes; you would either have to have an At-Home Job or have a “Business on Wheels”. So, anyway it’s pretty fun to me to Real Travel or Cyber Travel. All in al, Cyber Traveling to me is a lot of fun.

Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. Spiritful is the way to go!

The Christianville Spirit: Christian's Love for Geography

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit of Christianville
Geography and Why Christian loves it so much: Christian always loved Geography. We don’t know why though but, He just loves it. It must be stemmed from his love for road signs and travel since travel DOES deal with what else but, Geography? Now, how can we tell that he loves it. Well, let’s just say that he has a lot of maps and of course he likes to get or read a lot of maps. That’s probably how he can tell you to get places. He’s so good at geography that he’ll provide several ways to get there. Which I’ll admit can be helpful but, there are often sometimes that we just need the most direct route to that place. Every now and then he’ll think of a place to go and grab a map that run his finger on the roads to get there. And, on his trip he of course goes to a road website and looks at the signs along the way there. Finally, when he gets to the destination he’ll research things there. Anything from TV Stations, Fun Places, and Road Signs there. He tells us that he finds it amusing to watch the local news in a new or already visited city to see what’s happening, the station logo, and maybe local commercials. Though the commercials of the local area aren’t really THAT important. It’s just what’s going on, the station logo, and where he is that amuses him the most. The most unique part of his love for geography is when he makes his own maps for himself or other people of cities that are he made up for them. He bases them on their name, family members, friends, and things they like. His vision is that every person’s body is a state. Where the heart always is what he calls The State Capitol. His rule about the Person’s State Capitol is the city MUST have the person’s name in it. For example: his Dream Girl’s name would be Carol and her State Capitol would be Carolville or Carol City. His friend, Madison’s State Capitol would be Madisonville. And, so on. Another rule he would he have would be that Family Member States are to the north and south, friends are to the west, and the lover is to east of the east. So far, above all he believes the best maps he’s made were for The City Of Christianville. Christianville in his mind is not like the rest of the cities and states he’s made. Christianville, he says is a made-up city in the State of Tennessee. Why, Tennessee? People would probably ask. Well, because it’s beautiful and it has a lot of trees. All in all, Christian loves Geography a lot and one things for sure, he certainly doesn’t hide it.

Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. You create the life you want to live and you’ll be pretty happy

The Christianville Spirit: A Look Though My Eyes

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit of Christianville
Roads and Travel, A look though Christian Smith’s Eyes:
Christian Smith has always loved Road Signs and Travel. But, why? People will say or think. What about Travel does Christian like? Well, I’m here to tell you. Ever since Elementary School when living in San Antonio he had loved Road Signs and the whole idea of traveling.
It started by his mom, Julie Smith who decided that it would be great having Christian ride the School Bus to and from. She set it up to where HIS stop would be the first going to school and last going home. That way he wouldn’t get confused on when to get off and he would get to see where everyone lived and of course, the Road Signs and sights along the way. Ever since then he’s been in love with the idea of traveling, road trips, and more…
Christian pays close attention to things along the road that we obviously wouldn’t. Like for example, he likes to look at the front and back the Big Green Highway Signs or he’ll see a difference in a city’s street signs, traffic lights, or even pavements. Here’s an observation that he makes when crossing a State or County Line. The pavement changes, here’s an example picture:
This is at the Mississippi-Alabama border on I-10 looking East into Alabama. Notice how the Pavement changes at the State Line. That kind of stuff is what Christian notices all the time.
Believe it or not, there are people take these pictures for fun and as a hobby. There are even websites on the internet in which have many pictures of Road Signs across the country and Christian loves go to those websites. If you would like to see for yourself, go to the following websites; http://www.aaroads.com/, http://www.state-ends.com/, and http://www.okroads.com/. The people take these pictures are called Roadgeeks, Even though their called that, he would rather call them Roadlovers because he believes that the word “geek” is offensive to them even though they may or may not care.
Christian loves road signs and traveling so much that every now and then, he’ll ask this mom to take him on a short road trip or drive to go see a city’s style of road signs. Some cities may have their street signs more or less green or other colors than others. Here would be example. The City of Frisco, TX has greener street signs than the City of Plano, TX does. That is one of many observations Christian can make.
All in all, Christian can make a lot of observations that we often can’t and THAT my friends, is what Christian Smith so special.

Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. Christian is special in HIS own way

The Christianville Spirit-Day 5

Metro Tour- Day 5; The New England Cities(Northchester/Maplebury/Waterbury/Blizzard} Welcome to the 5th day of our Metro Tour. I hope y'all enjoy The Christianville Tour. that was the funnest tour of The Christianville Metro Area. Now, we're going to tour what people of The Christianville Area call "The New England Cities", a series of close-knit villages that are very much like Mapleton on the east end of Christianville. however, The New England Cities are northwest and west of The City of Christianville. The New England Cities' houses and places are very much like Vermont and New Hampshire. while Mapleton, east of Christianville is alot like Maine. The New England Cities are made up of the villages of{starting from near Brooke to Tennessee River} Northchester, Maplebury, Waterbury, and Blizzard. all these villiages are named from New England type names.Maplebury has something unique that most out-of-city Tennesseans are surprised by, Maple Trees. Tennessee doen't normally house Maple Trees but, Maplebury, Tennessee in the Christianville Metro Area has them. like Mapleton. The New England Cities has another airport. only this airport isn't as much owned or watched by The City Of Christianville or The Christianville Metro Transportation Authority. why? because Christianville has it's own airport, GCI. this airport, C/NC Intl' Airport is shared by The Cities of Christianville and New Christianville, which is Christianville's now unofficial twin city. C/NC Intl' Airport, before GCI was Christianville Mtero's only airport. C/NC Airport stands for Christianville/New Christianville Intl' Airport. since C/NC Airport is near by The New England Cities, they have the same sound shield that GCI has around Mapleton. one major parkway runs through The New England Cities, Brooke, and Mapleton. also some parts of The City of Christianville and it is called Great North Pkwy. which guess where that probably came from. most likely the Northerly inspired New England Cities and Christian himself. Well, that's the tour of The Christianville Metro Area, Thanks for tuning in to see and hear what The Christianville Metro Area is all about. and, finally some people of The Christianville Metro Area would like to wish you thanks for listening to their stories of THEIR Christianville Metro Area.

" Dude, Now you know about our merto area, Christianville Rocks!" - Mark, student of Christianville HS

"We're soo happy here living together in Waterbury"- Bryan and Holly

"Thanks for listening to our stories and culture. this is not just our metro area, it's everyone's
Christianville Metro Area!"- Madison, of Steven

Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. You've been such a joy!

The Christianville Spirit: Metro Tour-Day 4

Metro Tour- Day 4; The City Of Christianville: Welcome to the 4th day of our Metro Tour. Today, we're going to visit The Center Piece of the Metro Area, Christian's Heart, The GRAND MOMA CITY OF THE CHRISTIANVILLE METRO AREA! if you guessed The City Of Christianville. your absolutely correct! Welcome to The City of Christianville, the seat of the metro area. Christianville first of all is obiously inside Geography Line Rd. and Gragraphy Loop{Christianville's Beltway} although some of the city does extent beyond those two road. Geography Loop, the major highway beltway and Geography Line Rd., the city street beltway. The City of Christianville is full of stuff to do. so, let's get started. let's start on Christian Pkwy., where most of Christianville's Fun is at{besides Downtown and on the Metro Area's CART line} Christian Pkwy. is in the North-Central part of Christianville. we start in the Christian's Historic Distric which between Geography Line Rd. and Geography Loop. Christian's Historic District is basically a street by street story of Christian's Life. There are several Museiums along Christian Pkwy. about his life. from when and where he was born to the schools he went to, friends and loves he had. Everything about Christian's Life, it's on Christian Pkwy. in Christian's Historic District. Many Locals and Visitors alike love Christian's Historic District. in fact, one local Steven M. an honor student of North Christianville HS mentioned that he loved The Christian's History of Travel Museium and driving with his friends down Christian Pkwy. every other weekend visiting one or two on the museiums. Christian's Historic District is awesome but, there's two other major things he loves very much. still on Christian Pkwy. we hit Christians's Seasonal favorite thing, the holiday of Christmas. Christian's Christmas District is across Geography Loop from The Historic District. Christian's Christmas District has Christmas Music and other christmas-related things going on all year long here. in fact, The Christmas District is home to a all-year Christmas Music Radio Station called 98.1 The District broadcasting throughtout the entire Christianville Metro Area. And, you could probably guess where "The Distirct" part of the radio station came from. also, The Christmas Distric is most of the christmas music records come from at Christmas Music Records, 2 miles east of Christian Pkwy. on Christmas Music Ln. if you haven't figured it out most of the streets exspecially the west to east streets are named from christmasy name {i.e: Christmas Music Ln., Santa Claus Ln., Christmas Tree Ln and more..} also, further south down Christian Pkwy. is the White Christmas Museium and Maine Christmas Tree Museium. the White Christmas Musium is about what it would be like seeing a White Christmas. many local loves this muisum since it snows a little in winter in Christianville, TN. and they would love to see a real White Christmas. The Maine Christmas Tree Musiuem is about the fasination of Christmas Trees in Maine since Christian loves the north. during the holiday season, that musieum puts Maine Christmas Trees up at the visitor center for locals and visitors to buy. Christian's Christmas District is alot of joy. but, there is one more major thing Christian loves and that's where Christian's Geography District come on. Still on Christian Pkwy. we cross the Christmas and Geography District road dividing line, Christian-Geography Ln. in The Geography District, there are 3 major attractions. Christian's Geography and Road Sign Archives, and the Road Sign Musieum. Christian's Geography and Road Sign Archives are 2 miles east of Christian Pkwy. on Geography Blvd. at 5800 Geography Blvd. Christian's Geography Archives holds all of Christian's Geographical Knowledege. so, that's where he stores all the information about where things are and everything about geography. Christian's Road Sign Archives is similar to the Christian's Geography Archives only it's about every road sign Christian has ever seen. plus, it has history about how he started to love road signs. going west almost back to Christian Pkwy. is the Road Sign Musium. The Road Sign Musium is about Christian's love for road signs and some of the websites and people who take pictures of them. now, we've reached the end of a majority of Christianville. Christian Pkwy. now turns into Tennessee St. as we enter Downtown Christianville. in Downtown Christianville on Friends St. is where Christian's Best Friends' Festival is held. Christian's Best Friends' Festival is a once a year a event held for a week from November 16-20 and it honors Christian's Best Friends. Each friend has a day that fun of events related to that person. further down Tennessee St. is the intersection of Christianville St. and Tennessee St. which people from all over The Christianville Metro Area know as The Center of Christianville and The Heart of Christian Smith-Centeno. whenever Christian is hurt or in love, or whatever is going on in his heart, people in or near the intersection can feel it. further south down Tennessee St. is the teenager and local hang out, West Michael Street. W. Michael St. is named after Christian's little brother, Michael who is believed to be quite an awesome brother. several metro area teens come down to W. Michael St. everyday. one teen Kendra, a student at West Christianville HS said she comes down to W. Michael St. every saturday night with her friends from Brooke and Geography District. :"my friends and i meet at my friend's house in the Geography District and we'll ride the CART line down here to W. Michael St.". most of the streets in Downtown Christianville are named after people Christian knows and loves.{ie:Julie St., Michael St., W. Michael St, Kathy St, and more...} finally,we reach the Tennessee River and the Mississippi. but, last we find The Tower of Christian Smith-Centeno and The Christian-Izzy Bridge. The Christian-Izzy Bridge is a big highlight for travelers coming north into Christianville because it looks similar to The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. and, it's a beauitful setting to The City of Christianville's Skyline. for more info. about The City of Christianville. read this...

The City of Christianville is The County Seat of Christian County, TN

The City Of Christianville is along The Tennessee River. Which Mississippi is on The Other Side.
The Highlight of The Christianville Skyline is The Tower of Christian Smith and The Christian-Izzy Bridge. The Christian-Izzy Bridge is Part of The Christianville Skyline, Just as Much as The Tower of Christian Smith is.

Nearby Brooke, TN is Home to Christian Smith. The Areas Around The City Are Considered "The Christianville Metro Area"

The New England Cities And Nor'easter Village. Which is North of Christianvilleis Christianville's Feel of a Non-City Feeling.

The Newspaper of The Christianville Metro Area Has an Unique Name to it. It is Called "The Christianville Spirit"

Christianville's Basketball Team is called The Christianville Timberwolves.

West Michael Street, In Downtown Christianville is The City's Teen Hang Out Street.W. Michael St. has Plenty of Shops and Chairs for Local Teenagers to Hang Out and Talk.

Christianville's Famous Best Friends Festival is a 5 Day Festival to Honor Christian's Best Friends.Each Day of The 5 Days Is a Day For Each Best Friend. It Is Held on November 16-20 on Friends St.from Brooke to S.Izzy St.

Christian's Best Friends Festival Day List:
Nov.16-Karleen Day{Presentation Of Friends Of Year And 'Parade Of Karleen Frishman'}Nov.17-Brooke Day{Christian Smith And Brooke Herrick Fair. In Brooke, TN}
Nov.18-Meredith Day{Meredith's Fun Day}
Nov.19-Whitney Day{Wacky Whitney's Play In Downtown Day}
Nov.20-Steven Day{Tigger Parade}
The People Of The Christianville Metro Area Say that The Intersection Of Christianville And Tennessee St. Is The Heart Of Christian Smith

On April 19, 2006. The City Of Christianville Started The Sister Cites Program. The Sister Cities Of Christianville, TN are:
-Karleen City, Karleen-
Michaelville, Michael-
Stevenville, Steven

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. There's no metro area than The Christianville Metro Area!

The Christianville Spirit: Metro Tour-Day 3

Metro Tour- Day 3; Mapleton: Welcome to the 3rd day of the tour of The Christianville Metro Area. Today we're visiting the Nor'easter Village of Mapleton. The Village of Mapleton is a village straight out of Rural Maine. In fact, that's how it got it's name and character from. The State of Maine's tall trees and New England style village and houses. Mapleton is very important village as well as a nice one. It's home to Geography-Christianville Intl' Airport, Christianville's own metro airport. The airplanes coming into Geography-Christianville Intl' or GCI can't be heard at all because of a sound shield around all of Mapleton to give it, it's Maine-like silence and small town feel insteaf of hearing the sound of The Christianville Metro Area. Many people love it here in Mapleton and they feel like the whole village extending from Southest of Brooke to near the Tennessee River and the Mississippi border is a very close-knit place. That ends Day 3 of The Metro Tour. Next newsletter we'll cross Geography Loop, Christianville's Beltway and head into The City of Christianville itself. Want to here about the center piece of the metro area? Stay Tuned

Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. Sometime in your life, you should live in a small close-knit town like Mapleton.

The Christianville Spirit: Metro Tour-Day 2

Metro Tour-Day 2: Steven/Maplewood/Karleen- Hey, welcome to the 2nd day of our tour of the Christianville Metro Area. Today we're going to tour the cities of Steven, Maplewood, and Karleen. First, The City of Steven. Steven in the way of roads is slightly different than Brooke but, most of it is similar. the City of Steven was named after my special friend, Steven Vandeneykel. Steven, like Brooke, Maplewood, and Karleen are cities of suburbaness. but, the roads are the same somewhat but, the difference would be the city's character. the City of Steven's character is all about Steven and his special friend, Tigger friendship. so, you could probably guess that many of the things in the City of Steven are none other than Orange and Black. well, i think your right. between the "Tigger-Tennessee League" baseball team The Steven Tiggerites to the Orange and Black to historic Downtown Steven.. I actually took a visit to Tiggerite Stadium or otherwise known as Tigger Acre Ballpark and i came to find that it was actually a good game and of course all of kids went nuts for the mascot, none other than Tigger. after visiting Steven i decided to go northeast of Brooke to see Maplewood. The City of Maplewood is a nice city to visit. it was named from a town in the Twin Cities Area of Minneasota. With it's Northerly named streets {etc: White Bear Rd.,Maine Jct. Rd., and Presque Isle Rd.} it sounds like a northern thymed suburb. We talked to a couple residents and residents from other cities around the area and here's what they said....

"Maplewood is an awesome city to live in. i'm very proud to live here" -Mary of Maplewood

"I Love three cities. Steven, Brooke, and Karleen"- Madison, teacher at Steven HS

Finally, we move on to the last city of on Day 2 of the tour, Karleen. The City of Karleen was named after my friend Karleen Frishman. The City of Karleen's character is very like The Kentucky Durby. with it's horses and stallion named streets and places{Etc: Stallion Lake Dr., Stallion Place, and The Estates of West Sedona Ridge}. As we explore Downtown Karleen we find alot of stop with horse toys and nearly every one has a rocking horse in the front window. and, that is our tour in Day 2 of The Meto Area Tour. Want to hear more about Christianville's people? Your in the right place.
Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. When your happy the most, sometimes your special or very best friend is too!

The Christianville Spirit: Christianville Metro Tour-Day 1

Personal News: Attention Readers; For the next couple days or weeks we'll be highlighting all the "Milk and Grannys"{ People and Places} of The Christianville Metro Area. We'll start from the Northeast of Christianville and end in the west side of Christianville. Enjoy Our Trip!
Metro Tour: Day 1; Intro/City Of Brooke- Welcome to the Christianville Metro Area, Tennessee. Home of Christian Smith. Christianville is a made-up metro area in Tennessee. Cchristianville is a beauiful area to live in with communities ranging from suburban cities to New England Villages in the pretty New England Cities. so, come with me on a trip through My Metro Area. Let's start in The City Of Brooke. Brooke is North slightly of Christianville. Brooke is the Christian's Home Town. Brooke is an an easy city to get around in. Brooke's Streets are all grid-like streets similar to it's next door cities of Steven, Maplewood, and Karleen. The City of Brooke named after Christian's long time friend named Brooke Herrick and alot of the streets' names deal with that and other nearby things.{etc: Herrick Creek Pkwy., Brooke Ave., Brooke Pkwy. and more..} Also, the streets also deal with Christian (since it's his hometown} and what he likes. Brooke is the only city outside of The City of Christianville that has a day of Christians' Best Friend Festival, a celebration of Christian's best friends. each of a list of selected friends have specific days and events. here's a list of friends and events...
Christian's Best Friends Festival Day List:Nov.16-Karleen Day{Presentation Of Friends Of Year And 'Parade Of Karleen Frishman'}Nov.17-Brooke Day{Christian Smith-Centeno And Brooke Herrick Fair. In Brooke, TN}Nov.18-Meredith Day{Meredith's Fun Day}Nov.19-Whitney Day{Wacky Whitney's Play In Downtown Day}Nov.20-Steven Day{Tigger Parade}
On 2006's Brooke Day of the festival, a couple of friends{made-up people} Bryan and Holly got together at the festival on The Ferris Wheel. it started by Bryan asked Holly out and they spent the rest of festival together. in February, it turned out that they loved eachother that they got married. andf, finally on April 1, 2007 they had their first baby named Carol and now they have started a family. Today, they live together in Waterbury {west of Christianville}. Brooke is the Northern End of CART's Red Line; CART is the light rail system of The Christianville Metro Area. CART stands for Christianville Area Rapid Transit. as you can see, Brooke is a wonderful city to live in. Want to discover Christianville's City Culture? Stay Tuned and you'll find out!

Thanks for reading The Christianville Spirit. as long your happy, Life is going to be great!

The Christianville Spirit: Introduction of Myself

The Christianville Spirit
The Spirit Of Christianville

Meet me, Christian Smith.{or known to some as The Editor/Writer of The Christianville Spirit} I am the sweetest and most sentsitive person you'll know. however, just because your senstive doesn't mean your dramatic. but, anyway. I live in Plano, TX and i really wish i could move to Atlanta, GA because that where The Smith Family lives. well, most of them at least. one thing i love to see and do is to is Travel. Of course, there's also my love for Road Signs and other road-related things. I can tell you how to get places the best i can even if i sort of know the area. other thing about me is that I Love the made up things, especiallly States and State Capitols. In my mind every person's body has a State and State Capitol{that is except for me}. In all cases of States and State Capitols, The State Captiol is in the heart. I base all the Cities, Mountains, Rivers, and Roads after things they like and their friends and a hole bunch of other things but, Likes and Friends are the base of it. The next door States to the East are a Great Friend. the State to the North and South are Family Members. and, of course that leaves The West. The State to the West is The Lover or The One or Current Boy/Girlfriend. fianlly, apparently everyone's favorite city. Christianville, TN. Christianville is not a real city in Tennessee but, i made it up to be there. the cities around Christianville or otherwise called "The Christianville Metro Area" are called Mapleton, Brooke, Steven, Karleen, Northchester....just to name a few. of course, there is my newsletter The Christianville Spirit. which i write about my life and friends and family. in real life The Christianville Spirit is a newsletter. but, in The Christianville Metro Area it's an actually a newspaper. Here is something that most people who don't ask don't know. I have Special Needs. My Special Needs are what is used to be called just "Duplication of Chormosome 17" but, now it's called Patocky-Lubsky Symdrome. I like that name better even though it's a tunge twister. if anyone wants to know, i don't let my Special Needs bug me or let it hold me back. and, for some people with Special Needs do bug them or hold them back. also, i don't consider my Special Needs a "Handicap" or a "Disability" like most people would. I just consider my myself if people have to say i'm something, i'll tell them i just have Special Needs. but, other than i think of myself as Myself. I am who i am. all in all, i'm a pretty awesome guy.

Thanks for Reading The Christianville Spirit. Everyone is Special in THEIR OWN WAY!